Sunday, May 18, 2008

tag, tagged, tagging...?

Actually I don't really now how does this thing go or what it is about...Since my friends are now soo engrosed in this game ( is it a game?) i decided to try. I've been tagged by Iza by something sounds like this...5 PERKARA PERTAMA YANG TERJADI DALAM HIDUP ANDA. Hmm susah nak jawab ni, cam terlampau banyak je...Ok I try to list out the most outrages or the most memorable ones ;o)


He...he...actually tak pernah berminatpun dengan benda2 ni semua, sehinggalah my colleagues yang 3 orang tu dok sibuk bercerita pasal blog diaorang maklumlah masing-masing dah guna internet broadband sekarang. Seperti biasa I don't want to be left out, maka bermulalah the 'moronic moments' of my life...:o) I think it should be my first entry, sebabnya my friends were laughing at me sampai terkeluar air mata. All because of this statement, a queastion actually : BILA DAH MASUK KAT FACEBOOK TU NAK BUAT APA? So what do you think of this? ;p


Kali pertama naik kapal terbang sorang-sorang dari Alor Setar ke Subang Airport. I was studying at PPP masa tu. Ingat lagi masa tu break kejap ja, tapi gatal sangat nak balik umah. Time nak balik Shah Alam tiket bas, train sume abis, so the only solution was took a flight. Whoa..dah la tak biasa, nak kena naik sorang2 plak tu...Takut kena marah punya pasal sebab my dad dah bising, flight pun flight la. The flight was at 7.15 pm dan hari tu hujan renyai2, memang dah gelap la. Sebelum masuk ke waiting hall my dad ada cakap, kalau salah flight pun dalam Malaysia je.Thanks for the support dad! I duduk tepi tingkap, so bila dah terbang tu baru la berani jenguk keluar. Suddenly there was lightning and the plane shook. Terus teringat one episode of The Twillight Zone; ada alien bagi rosak engine kapal terbang and it crashed. Terus tak pandang tingkap dan "keras" serta merta sampai la the plane landed. Alamak apasal tak boleh bukak seat belt? Rasanya ikut orang sebelah buat dah betul dah. Bila tengok orang dah makin kurang, maka dengan muka tebal I asked the handsome guy who sat next to me, "excuse me can u please help to unbuckle the seatbelt?" ;p


It was in the final year when I was in college. a friend of mine who was studting at ITM ajak keluar, dah lama tak jumpa. We met at KLCC and she brought a friend along. After spending half of the day there, it was time to go. We promised to meet again some times later. Tiba2 kawan kepada my friend tu bagi suggestion, ikut la diaorang balik rumah sewa. I agreed since I had no class on the next day. So takkan nak balik dah? Satu lagi idea bernas kawannya tu, why don't kita lepak kat Hard Rock? I was quite reluctant but my friend said it would be great, she had been there a couples of times. OK! So we went to Hard Rock Cafe. Since it was my first time my friend gave me a few tips. Just follow what she did...which I took it right to the heart. When we were queueing for the entry I saw that my friend hulur tangan kat orang 'jaga tiket', so I did the same. Okay, I got stamped! it was packed that night so my friend suggested that we should come back later. Again terpaksa berasak-asak nak keluar, dah tu ada pulak yang mencelah. So my friend dah ke depan but I could still see her. Suddenly I saw 'lorong' kat sebelah tak banyak orang, baik lalu situ. I nak panggil my friend tapi dah jauh ke depan, so terus keluar je la. Masa nak masuk balik terus je guna lane yang dah beli tiket. I noticed semua orang hulur tangan. When it was my turn I pun hulur la tangan but the guy said, sorry get the ticket first. I said I've paid for the ticket, and he checked my hand again. Nope! get the ticket! so I paid for another ticket and he said NEXT TIME GET STAMPPED BEFORE GOING OUT! ;p


I got my driving license when I was 18, but had no chance to drive eversince I passed the driving test. Arwah 'tok' ngan 'cak' tak bagi bawak kereta; alasannya kereta banyak sangat kat jalan funny when it was them who sent me to driving school and paid the fees. I got the chance when I visited my friend who studied in UUM. Nak keluar jalan-jalan mesti ada kereta so she and a few friends rented a car. Since nobody could drive so I had to be the driver. Even though the only driving experience I had was during the driving lessons and the test my friends had full confidence in me. Everything when on smoothly at the beginning and my confidence level soared into the sky. So we went to this one shop tepi highway yang jual cendol pulut, kononnya paling sedap. I parked the car kat tepi jalan konon senang keluar, bila nak balik ada dua kereta dah masuk kat depan ngan belakang. Kereta tu agak rapat to our car, my friends dah cuak takut tak boleh keluar.It was when I tried to manoeuvre the car out of the parking when suddenly I heard a loud bang and the car almost berpusing. Dalam kelam kabut tu tiba-tiba I sedar a motor tengah menuju kereta. Belum sempat nak buat apa i nampak lelaki tergolek2 kat tengah jalan. masa tu Tuhan ja yang tau. nasib baik tak mati orang tu. Kereta yang langgar we all dari belakang blah mcm tu je so terpaksa la kami yang pompuan-pompuan ni deal ngan si mamat motor. Mungkin kesian, dia suruh bawak pergi clinic je so settled dah. Tuan punya kereta tidakla sebaik mamat motor tu, dia mintak ganti rugi sampai RM500. Mujurla boyfriend kawan I tu ada kenal mekanik, so antar repair sendiri...tak sampai RM300 pun. So there goes my friend's scholarship for that month...;p


It was in 1999 when I was given a part in a play "Kali Ini jam 12 Datang Lagi". Masa tu ada festival MAKUM yang pertama , UKM jadi host. Untuk acara teater Kelab Teater Rimba UKM bergabung dengan kelab teater dari UM,UPM dan UIA untuk membuat persembahan. Setelah berbincang UM dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mencari naskah dan pengarah, so 'kudin' orang yang dirasakan paling sesuai. Jadi berulang alik la dia dari UM ke UKM. Setelah menjalani latihan randai secara intensif, pada hari perasmian MAKUM we were given the honor to do the first performance and it was directly in front of the VVIPs. Everything went wrong from the beginning. First I couldn't get seluar silat, budak yang janji nak bagi pinjam tak datang, so I kena masuk dalam hostel budak lelaki cari dia. nasib baik tak kena tangkap ;p Masa tengah perform, I lupa steps...Habis berterabur orang lain punya steps sebab dia berkait, so semua orang terpaksa la buat steps sendiri ikut suka hati. Nasib baik for the next round everything went on smoothly. Ingatkan dah habis bab-bab lawak jenaka ni, tapi ada jugak lagi. There was a scene where everybody kena tanggal ikat pinggang dan lempar ke lantai. Agaknya kain batik tu diikat kuat sangat, I tak boleh tanggal. Panik gila masa tu, dah dekat-dekat nak abih scene baru boleh bukak. Guess what? Masa kutip kain dari lantai I terambil kain orang lain, sebab I xingat kain I macam mana. So terpaksa la orang yang kainnya kena 'curi' tu tunggu sampai semua orang kutip kain masing-masing, mana yang tertinggal tu baru dia ambik.kain batik I le tu...;p. I felt so bad, it was because of me the paly went haywired, and it was beacuse of me 'kudin' got a bad name. I appologized but all that he said 'Tak pe..seronok tengok tadi, kelakar!" Well it was supposed to be a serious play though! ;o)

Friday, May 16, 2008


16 May is special because it is a day specially dedicated to all teachers. Today is a day to honor and appreciate the teachers for all their wonderful jobs of nurturing and educating the 'future leaders of the country'.! How far is the truth of the statement? When I recalled the memory of my younger days, when I was in school (especially in the primary) Teacher's Day was the most anticipated events in the school calender. Even though we were too young or too small actually ;o) to understand what was it about,we definitely didn't want to miss it. THE GIFTS were the most important elements of the celebration whereby each of us would try to find something for every teacher no matter how small or ridiculous it was. Brought up in a kampung, I recalled that half of my classmates didn't bring money to school, only food from home to fill their bellies. "Miskin harta tetapi kaya budi bahasa". I believe this is the most appropriate way to describe them. None of them turned empty handed on the Teacher's Day. They took whatever that they could from home; soaps, mosquito coils, detergents,etc. this 1will always stick on my mind; a boy brought small bulks wrapped in newspaper to school and we asked him what were those things. "I had nothing to offer the teacher so picked some mangoes and wrapped them for the teachers. It sounded ridiculous at that time but now i realized that was the most wonderful gift in the world! Things are different now and the kids nowadays think that teachers are not important enough to be given a thought. No celebration, no cards...Gifts? well you are lucky enough if the students wish you a happy teacher's day. The most highly expectecd gift is "Hari guru??" "Eh hari ni ke?" only the teachers undersatnd the feeling of other teachers. Thanks alot to dear friends who kindly had a little but wonderful celebration for us. you guys really made up my day!!! :o)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The beginning of my new moronic moment...

Well I'm starting a new blog. It seems like the one I'm currently using is not interesting enough (may be it's me who doesn't really know how to make it interesting ;p). I was brousing my friends' when I realized that thiers are more colorful than mine! So asked them how to make mine as interesting as theirs, my friends said try add some accessories to my blog and I tried it staright away. To my disappoinment my blog is listed as 'unfriendly' and I can't use the items provided. (well I tried to get a clock for my blog). Again...the feeling of being left out is really eating me up, so withouit wasting anymore of my precious time (my son is going to be abck home at 6.30) I start to construct a new the same place where my friends are!!! ;0)