Today invited a few friends for lunch. It's a sort of small makan-makan sempena Hari Raya. I decided to cook the dishes myself though hubby is fully against it. He's dreadful to think of the chaos and all the troubles it may cause him...he..he...I cooked nasi tomato, ayam masak merah, and dalca. Actually this is my first time cooking for a huge party so kira experiment la ni. I passed the lauk but the rice was a big disappointment. Tak puas hati gile....dah la rasanya agak kureng, rupanya pun tidaklah begitu memberangsangkan. But what to friends have to make do with the dishes sebab dah takde food lain dah. Thank you guys for guys really make my day and I really appreciate it. Takpe kali ni I masak tak sedap, lain kali I masak bagi sedap....practice makes perfect kan....As usual hubby is worried sick of the outcome of the cooking. He said it looked like I'm feeding an army rather than a few friends. He's right...not many people turned up, so there were tons of foods left. Sapa nak abiskan ni? Teman dah susah hati tengok nasi seperiuk besar ngan lauk melambak-lambak kat dapur. Thanks to hubby who suggested that I packed the foods so that he could take them to his friends...Nasib korangla Kopraxxx...dapat nasi yang buruk rupa tu, janji food kat rumah habis. selesai masalah, abis licin semua kena kebas, sekali dengan bekas tak dapat balik. Diaorang cakap kalau selalu mood masak ni datang, bolehla orang sebelah tumpang kenyang! Apap-apa je la!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
At Last...

After a long wait for about 2 months at last I got my car. Akhirnya dapat jugak pakai kereta tu, dah lama dah dok mengidam nak pakai, sampai at one time dah rasa cam kempunan. We had to go all the way to Rawang to get the car. Hubby had been very patient waiting for all the hassles to clear up before we could take the car home. He let me drove the new car and purposely drove his car at a snail’s speed, so that I wouldn’t be lost…I am so terrible when it comes to direction he…he...that was so considerate on his part wasn’t it…Tapi masa kat highway dia sengaja stayed kat lane paling kiri, droving at 60/kmj konon-konon he let me lead…pas tu dia speed gila-gila and honked at me, sambil tunjuk sign apa la…mak ngot…ceh, langsung tarik balik segala puji-pujian dan diganti dengan tuuut…yang paling menyakitkan hati bila dia gelak-gelak cakap "apa la takkan teknologi xxx yang 1.1cc tu nak lawan ngan Honda!" Grrrrr…!!!!Eleh malam tu dia yang kecewi dok belasah keta tu, bawak pegi merata la…siap tanya ada apa-apa nak dia tolong belikan kat kedai tak…cari excuse nak bawak keta baru la tu! Tapi ada satu lagi cite yang best…dapat beli bunga…he..he.., a big bouquet for the living room ( the only flower in the house). Ni pun dari awal tahun dok plan tapi baru sekarang jadi kenyataan. Thanks to KS and Wiweed for taking me to that fabulous shop. Kalu tak rasanya tahun depan pun belum tentu ada bunga kat umah . So it helps to soften the austerity and starkness of the room. Seperti biasa when I asked hubby for commence he only answered berapa lama benda ni boleh tahan kat situ? Oh…thank God Ammar wasn’t around when I put the flowers and up until now he doesn’t realize the flowers are there. So the bouquet is still pretty and very much intact. I’m being extremely careful and worried sick about the flowers but couldn’t really care less bout the car. Guess I’m more excited about the flowers than the car huh…;op
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Progress

I'm now 18 weeks pregnant. begins to show now and some people say I may be carrying twins hih..hih...may be campur lemak masa gemuk dulu kot.Nope, no twins just one baby and Alhamdulillah he or she is doing fine ( tak nampak lagi gender, dia malu nak tunjuk) so far everything is fine and I'm so grateful though I'm not yet out of the dangerous situation but at least it's under control. Doc said I may have to go through another caesarean since the baby might come out early. Tak pe lah asal dia sihat dan semua selamat. Now I have to double up my vitamin intakes plus other supplements and medications...tu yang tak larat tu, tapi kena jugaklah for the baby's sake. It's a precaution takut-takut kena PIH lagi. ada orang suruh pakai baju mengandung pergi kerja, sebab perut dah buncit. Segan la pulak, orang yang tujuh bulan pun baru je pakai, takkan kita yang baru 4 bulan lebih ni dah nak pakai maternity dress. nanti kata mengada la pulak kan, nak menunjuk-nunjuk...maklum le, orang lain pun pernah mengandung jugak, tapi tak macam tu pun...(ayat keramat kat tempat kerja). Nak excited pun kat kat blog ni la...syok sendiri, tak kisahlah...asal bahagia dan tak kacau orang kan!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Selamat Hari Raya

This year punya Hari Raya disambut dengan gumbiranya sebab balik raya kat kampungku yang tercinta...heh...he...Tahun ni all my uncles and aunties balik beraya kat kampung, so bertambah meriah la rumah tok ngan wan. Anakku itu toksah cerita la, seronok sesangat main 'bunga berapi' walaupun yang tinggal tu cuma saki baki lepas tok accidentally buang separuh kat longkang.... she thought dah habis main...Since sume orang menayang gambar raya teringin la jugak nak tempel aksi-aksi masa raya...walaupun perut dah agak boyot sikit, tapi masih nak melaram gak....;0
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