The raya fever has taken to its full swing and everywhere people are frenzied with the last minutes preparation. Since it’s going to be a long holiday most of the city dwellers take this opportunity to go back to their home town on Saturday. Hubby said we better avoid balik kampung on that day or else we’ll be stuck in the sea of cars and he really hates the slow moving traffics. Last night after a painstaking labor of spring cleaning my house hubby took us to OU for Iftar and a little bit of last minute shopping after that. Thinking that most people have gone back to their kampung we didn’t bother to make a reservation at any of the restaurant…hubby said there’ll be plenty of eating places to choose with…ya right! So much for his thoughtfulness we ended up buka puasa with only apple juice and egg tarts at the staircase near the food court…(ramai yang join after that couldn’t find any vacant restaurant, not even a single seat at the food court for that matter) . Ammar was screaming for rice and I felt guilty because I had to make him wait. I was close to tears when one lady gave him some keropok….she said kesian budak…dia nak makan! God I felt like I was the lousiest mother on Earth! Thank God hubby managed to find a vacant seat at Laksa Shack after that. It was very ironic because right after we had our dinner the place looked empty. Where was the sea of people that we saw earlier? Hubby said this was a great chance for us to browse around the shops since they were less crowded. Again as if that were the magic words tons of people suddenly appeared out of no where. I tighten my hold of Ammar since he was excitedly running around. Mungkin Tuhan nak uji, Ammar tiba-tiba jerked free from me and ran. I tried to catch him but I was no match of him. Punya la cari tapi tak jumpa. Panic started to creep in me so I called hubby cakap Ammar hilang. Masa tu dah macam orang gila ke hulu ke hilir cari anak. Dalam hati mula terfikir yang bukan-bukan…dah jadi Yin la anak aku! Dalam panick-stricken situation tu tiba-tiba I saw him . punya la lega…tapi anak aku tu langsung tak heran, tak rasa pun yang dia hilang. Dah tu bersenang lenang looking around siap lari lagi bila nampak mama dia! When I told hubby anak dah jumpa terus dia datang dan pap!pap! kena la dua tiga kali! I was so shocked sampai jadi lembik…nak pitam. So balik gitu je la…dalam kereta asyik doa jangan jadi apa-apa kat baby dalam perut ni. Kang hilang anak sorang lagi pulak! Ini lah kisah raya paling ngeri yang akan diingat sampai bila-bila!