Ramadhan has finally arrived. As this is a blessed month for Muslims I can say that it is welcomed with joy and anticipation by all. (in fact hubby wants to name our child Ramadhaniah, if it’s a girl…ekk…:o\) Apart from fulfilling our duties of fasting, Ramadhan is also renowned for its festivities. Pasar Ramadhan with the arrays and assortment of colorful dishes, the shiny, twinkling baju raya…and the endless list of goodies intended for the hari raya…everyday is a celebration. My workplace pun tidak terkecuali. Every day you hear people talking about cooking dishes for buka puasa and sahur, exchanging recipes and sharing the famous recipe turun temurun nenek moyang masing-masing. And recently one of my friends has started beading…though she said it’s only for children to me it’s really a tremendous task. It’ll take a lot of effort and dedication. Hmm… how nice dapat masak untuk family, dapat buat semua, but my condition won’t allow me to do such things (though I doubt I’ll do it all…beading?? He..he.. must be kidding!!). Dapat bangun bawak diri pun dah kira bagus. Kesian gak kat Ammar, since I got pregnant dia dah jadi anak terbiar. Mama asyik baring, sakit kepala, tak boleh nak layan. Sampai at one time dia suruh mama ‘muntah’ adik cepat. Kekadang tu dia suruh mama makan ubat so takde la adik..mama pun tak sakit perut lagi. Sian plak…I just wish that this headaches and nausea would go away so that I can live like a normal person. Tapi baru-baru ni things are getting better, so I managed to cook simple dish for hubby. Bosan gak beli food kat luar…actually I don’t know what to eat, in fact I can’t even think about food, sakit kepala…loya! Yesterday a friend ajar masak kuih traditional – kuih Khasidah (I’ve been searching everywhere tapi tak jumpa, boleh dapat kat utara je)…my favorite. So gave it a try and yahoo…jadi! Past la untuk tekak sendiri dan Ammar. Hubby cakap ok…boleh tahan. Berkobar-kobar rasa nak masak bila dia cakap “heran ye kenapa you masak sedap sekarang ni?” Baru je nak kembang lubang hidung tapi ayat seterusnya mematikan niat untuk mencuba resipi yang lain-lain…"Ke sebab bulan puasa, bila lapar je semua sedap!” Apa- papa je lah, janji bila masak habis licin dia kebas. Hari ni ingat nak buat spaghetti je lah. Itu confirm sedapkan??? Hmm…nampaknya setahun lagi la baru dapat jadi orang ‘normal’…
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