I’m still in the spirit of realizing my new ‘cooking’ resolution this week. Since my husband suka sangat makan asam pedas, I guess almost all johorian did so I decided to experiment the newly acquired recipe from k.shida, asam pedas johor. With full determination I set off the cooking venture with hubby popping at the kitchen now and then, think he’s anxious or terrified actually to see the outcome of the cooking. Since k.shidah only gave me the ingredients minus the measurement, so I practically used my amateur instinct nak masuk berapa banyak bahan-bahan tu. Masa tengah masak nampak macam ok, rupa pun not bad…rasanya ada la iras-iras asam pedas yang kudin selalu makan kat Uptown tu. I remembered kak.shidah told me to taste and fix everything before turning off the fire, so I tried rasa sikit…erkk…ye ke asam pedas rasa macam ni? Untuk menyedapkan perasaan I asked kudin to taste it and comment. He did as he was told and his comment was curt …MASIN. All the excitements were crashed, dah tu nak buat macam mana? So chef kudin took over and gave instructions on what to add and so on. Masa makan I dare not try the asam pedas, takut nak bayangkan rasanya. Tapi kudin selamba je makan…I braced myself to ask ‘how was it’? Boleh la… ada gak rasa asam pedas tu, tapi lain kali kena kurang masin, pastu bagi pedas sikit.. He..he…kira edible jugak la. Just wait until 'demam masak' ni hilang, asam pedas uptown la pas ni...heh..heh..;op

ni la asam pedas my version...
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