I’m supposed to get my marking done but instead of working on the papers I’m now glued to the computers. This thing is really addictive…:o) Actually I’ve been trying so hard or may be not hard enough to get it done and over with. In fact I did go to school but ended up in a friend’s house, happily chatting and wowing her new house and made a quick stop at Ikea before heading home. So there goes my marking of the day…and guess what when I reached home my beloved and understanding husband suggested that we eat out. How could I say no, especially when he suggested that we try the middle-east restaurant the one that my friend Syakirah recommended? We managed to find the restaurant ar-Rausha. Kudin ordered his favorite-lamb of course dan dia berbaik hati tolong order tabouleh for me. I decided to order something extraordinary, the ar-Rausha cocktail, tea is so common after all. It was so special indeed, once air tu dah sampai I just took one sip and that’s it…tak lalu. It was a mixture of bananas, mint and tah apa-apa fruits lagi. Kudin cakap jangan pikir rasa, pikir harga…rm 10 tu, baik minum! Bila food sampai again I was speechless …it was a mixed salad actually! Since I am ‘allergic’ to green and most other veggies, terkebil-kebil la I nengokkan rupenye. Lag
i sekali kudin mengeluarkan kata-kata hikmatnya…jangan pikirkan tekak, pikirkan khasiat dia! Ya right! Kesian punya pasal, kudin suruh I order another food, this time I made sure ada perkataan chicken and I ordered mineral water…the safest drink of all. So dapat jugakla I makan…:op Sampai rumah dah kul 11 lebih, ingat nak bagi ammar tido baru nak mark, tapi biasala…mama tidur dulu. Arini pun I only managed to mark 1 class, and I’m thinking of calling it a day. Nampaknya kenala bertungkus lumus hingga ke ari terakhir before the school reopen. I’m quoting ayat favorite iza…kejikah saya?
1 comment:
im having the same story at mine too
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