Last weekend was quite tiring since I had to make a quick travel to and fro, Kl -Kangar . Even though I was saved from the long hours of driving, having Ammar in a 7 hours bus ride was really a trying experience. To make things worse, I had to attend a small barbeque at my husband's friend's right after I arrived. So I had to make pleasant conversations with people I scarcely meet or know when all I really wanted to do was go home and sleep. I managed to survive though and spent a short hour
according to kudin's clock there before heading home. It was really frusrating to think that I had to work on the next day and had to forgo sleep since there were still chores to be done and things to be prepared for tomorrow. Just when I thought that I could finally retire for the day, I remembered that my friends are having potluck and I didn't have a single thing to bring. Some how this morning I managed to drag myself out of bed and went to work. I also managed to get some kuih for the potluck
curtesy to en. kudin who kindly got that for me from the nearby stall. It's only Monday... and to think that I'm now counting for the next Friday...Thinking about the pay day at least help to lift the mood though...;op
me too..waiting for that pay day!!taksabar nak perabih duit!!hehe
yang dok ada pun dah nazak...yang belum dapat tu pun dah ada long list tengah tunggu...;op
Woi, orang kata cikgu 25hb, hang pa marah. Tapi sama lah kita, in the same boat, tak sabar nak tunggu pay day, nak balik kampongggg.
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