Hmm..it has been quite sometimes since the last time I wrote something here...Actually I went back to my hometown and I've dedicated all my times for my beloved family...;op (yang sebenarnya takde internet connection at my mom's). Finally I got a chance to meet the latest member of our family...Ahmad Aidib Farshiq was born on 4th May 2008 at 2.2 kg.
Same case like Ammar, he was born premature at 35 weeks. Now I got a nephew and Ammar got a new cousin. Well, he's a bit jealous of the baby..
with the attention and all. When the novelty of having a new family member wears off, here comes another concern. What else??
When am I going to add another baby? Why so late? My sister now has 2 kids and I only have one! So I have to face these never ending questions every time people come visit the baby. Wish I could tape the answer and replay it every time people ask me the same question.
Welcome back!!! Been coming to your blog tp dah lama tak update... Ingat kan dah tak mau lagi. He he he
This things is addictive...mana boleh tinggal..hehe..
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