Finally...I've finished marking the exam papers! Now I can really breathe after the h
orrendous hours of reading and marking outrageous scripts. I'm glad that the nightmare is over. It was such a terrifying and heart wrenching moments when you were 'rewarded' with almost nonsense pieces of writing by your students. Why... I was nearly hysterical to see the
various versions of informal letters my 'beloved' students wrote in the exam. After all these while I've been teaching them, can you believe that they got nothing in their head?
Aku ke yang tak pandai mengajar? When I showed my
amazing discoveries to my friends one of them said "ye la dik...mungkin kau yang tak pandai mengajar.." Even though she said that in a joking manner, I have this strange feeling that she could be right! Hmm...Nevertheless I'm glad that the ordeal has passed. My colleague KS is willing to pay RM50 per class to any of us who's willing to mark for her...and A has marked up to RM150 for her class. Well exam really does wonder to people...heheh..heheh...
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