Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Nightmare on The Elm Street

Nothing makes life look brighter than a stroke of good luck immediately following a stroke of bad luck.

Having all the time for my self is sheer heaven and since my husband is going out and I still have a few hours left before fetching Ammar from the nursery, I decided to bask myself in leisure .Upon taking leave to his workplace, my husband told me to come downstairs because we’re going to have visitors coming…his friend NR and his wife. It was really a nightmare to have visitors coming unexpectedly and their timing couldn’t have been better. Biasala balik kerja lepak-lepak dulu, kerja nanti-nanti baru buat, dan waktu ni dress code pun bawah category 18sx. So I hastily get dressed and hurried downstairs to do a quick tidying up with maximum speed. The news took me by surprise since they only called kudin to inform of their visit on their way here. After dropping the bomb shell, and it took less than 2 minutes before they actually appeared in my doorway. I was nearly hysterical when NR’s wife June announced the real purpose of their visit… they would like to have a ‘glimpse’ of the layout of the house . “Kita nak tengok-tengok rumah awak boleh tak?” Since they’re going to stay nearby it would be nice if they can get a vision of how their house will look like. Mengenangkan keadaan rumah yang mungkin layak menang dalam Décor Bersama Eric, badan tiba-tiba jadi seram sejuk, rasa macam nafas tersekat kat hidung …Belum pun sempat nak bernyawa tanpa membuang masa suamiku tercinta dengan ramah mesranya terus invited his friends in for a quick tour of our house. I was horrified…. to think of the two visitors catching sight of every single room with it superb condition! I buat-buat excuse pergi fetch Ammar kat nursery sebab tak sanggup nak join acara lawatan. Maka terbantutlah usaha nak masak asam pedas kak shidah. Esok je la, malam ni makan roti sudah!


mohad said...

salam.. apa khabar..

Anonymous said...

hehe........ar..i mmg selaludapat lawatan mengejut camni dr ILsand relatives..adagak terkantoi ngan jiran sekali dua..jenis bg salam n nak masuk rumah bersembang tanpa sebab ni..pening betul kalu time ptg2 ni...

BabyMomma said...

aku memang ANTI orang drop by mengejut macam tu! Tak pe la, asal diorang mengate sesama depa tak keluar kar telinga orang sudah!

arnieariffin said...

kalau selalu macam ni boleh kena heart palpitations.... ;op