Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Resolution

The recent fuel hike has affected the life of most people in various ways...me included. Today between completing our endless chores and feeding the current updates of anybody and everybody, one of my colleagues showed us her clever plan to cut cost on food. She has come out with an organized table on the menus for the entire month on weekly basis. She said that way would help her to shop for groceries which she thought would be essential. That inspired me make a distinguish change in my spending especially for food which I think I could save a lot if I cook so I started forming my own so called menu planning. Anxious to get things started right away, I told my husband of the brilliant plan only to hear him said…”bukan dah dari dulu-dulu dok dengar cerita nak masak ni”?. However I managed to convince him that this time bukan hangat-hangat taik ayam, finally he agreed to take me to Tesco shopping for groceries konon-konon for one week. Seperi biasa, every time we shop for groceries mesti ada terbeli benda yang bukan-bukan sebab konon nak guna dan harga tengah murah. Punya la nak save budget I ended up spending overbudget yang menyebabkan keluarnya kata-kata hikmat seterusnya dari Prof. Kudin... “tu ikan ngan barang barang tu boleh tahan berapa lama? Kalau agak-agak boleh tahan lebih 1 minggu ok la, kalau tak I kenala habiskan sebelum jadi bahan arkib” seems like he can predict what’s to come…he..he…;op


Shidah said...

Selamat Rajin Memasak. Semoga wawasanmu tidak menjadi angan-angan Mat Jenin spt yang diwar-warkan oleh Prof. Kudin. (Pesanan ini di taja oleh Aniqah & Shidah serta seluruh warga Staffroom Ke2) Caya lah!!!!!

arnieariffin said...

thanks for the support...dengan semangat kawan-kawan rasanya boleh la last around i month...pas tu cerita lain la...he..he..;o)

Anonymous said...

ar.. the blog is http://leeloublogs.blogspot.com/